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Next Market:

402 Liberty St - Morris, IL

3 French Hens
June 8th

8am - 2pm

A unique coffee experience

The Koffiebar

We serve coffee, but we’re not your typical coffee bar. Inspired by our family in The Netherlands & the great cafes in europe, where conversation blooms, where writers, artists, activists, and intellectuals make their mark, we’ve made a decision to switch things up!

We offer a unique coffee experience at all kinds of markets across Illinois.
The Koffiebar brings you a fusion of American & European style coffee different than anything you’ve ever experienced before.

Check out our Events page for a list of our upcoming markets, and subscribe to our mailing list for new drink drops, merch drops, & more!


NEW! Bagged Coffee!

You can now brew our coffee in the comfort of your own home! Also makes the perfect gift!

Comes in whole bean or ground.



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